Getting The Most Out of Subscriptions & Identity Management with JWP

When you rely on disparate systems to manage your subscription and payment ecosystem, you’re left with disjointed workflows that can drastically slow down operations.

JWP’s Subscription and Identity Management System (SIMS) solution was designed to streamline operational efficiency with: 

  • Customizable and flexible monetization models that can be adapted to any type of customer
  • Frictionless, no-code customization to streamline the video creation process
  • Dynamic Identity Management to securely track all user activity and transactions
  • Robust analytics and performance metrics to gain actionable insights that lead to conversion rate optimization
Image of a concert with a person performing on stage, alongside a profile card for "Elle Amberson" detailing subscription tiers for Creator content on her web app, starting at $5, $10, and $25 per month.

Build Your Direct-to-Consumer Relationship and Power Your Monetization Strategy

Simplified workflows and easy integration allow you to encode, transform, package, stitch, stream, monitor and report on your content while connecting with any ad server or ad decisioning system. Capitalize on user data, flexible monetization models, and optimized workflows directly from the JWP backend to create an optimal SIMS experience. 

Flexible Monetization Models

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to monetization. When you factor geolocation and seasonality, you’ll need a versatile solution for customizing monetization models.
  • Any type of monetization model that works for you, applied at either the player, stream, or asset level
  • Create models such as SVOD, TVOD, and hybrids to utilize along side AVOD
  • Use our entitlement system or easily connect your own authentication service
  • Localize subscription and payment process
  • Manage in-app purchases directly within the app environment to maximize retention
  • Bulk creation of vouchers available as an add-on

Frictionless, No-code Customization

Reduce bottlenecks caused by lengthy development time. You can create videos, save templates, and reuse to save you both time and resources, all managed via the dashboard.
  • Create custom experiences that fit your brand and business needs without the use of code or additional development resources
  • Versatile, easy-to-use dashboard
  • Modularized solutions features so you can bring your own teams into the workflow

Dynamic Identity Management

Control and manage the subscription lifecycle with identity management and own all your data. This allows you to create a personalized experience that leverages a wealth of customer data for maximum retention and engagement.
  • Easily build out your subscription and payment workflows
  • Leverage 1st party data to analyze and adapt user journeys to better fit their needs
  • Use customizable registration fields to gather actionable customer data immediately
  • Deploy security and access restrictions based on concurrency, domain, geo-location, age and other parameters

Robust Analytics and Performance Metrics

Understanding your customers starts with understanding their patterns and behaviors. By leveraging real-time metrics, you can create actionable insights that drive revenue without having to rely on 3rd-party data.  
  • Real-time data built into your dashboard, right out of the box so you can grow your revenue as quickly as possible
  • Cross-platform tracking
  • Pre-built and events dashboards
  • Increase conversion utilizing content analytics
  • Create packages to extend the subscriber lifecycle

Ready to See Subscriptions & Identity Management In Action?