How to Overcome Video Ad Blocking Obstacles

Blog 5 min read | May 13, 2024 | Filip Trichkov


Video advertising is a vital revenue stream for publishers and advertisers alike. It offers an effective way for businesses to connect with consumers, drive engagement and achieve their marketing objectives. However, the rise of ad blockers presents a serious challenge by disrupting revenue growth and minimizing the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

In this article, we dive into the nuances of overcoming video ad blocking obstacles, exploring the harmful impact of ad blockers, the growing trend of ad blocking and workable solutions for video businesses and advertisers.

The Harmful Impact of Ad Blockers

By preventing the delivery of advertisements to users, ad blockers are a significant threat to the revenue models of video businesses. These tools weaken the monetization strategies that sustain many online platforms. For video content providers, the loss of advertising revenue can directly impact their ability to produce high-quality content, invest in infrastructure and innovate within their niches.

The weight of ad blockers is felt the most by publishers and advertisers. Adspeed reports: “Some publishers have been forced to reduce the amount of content being produced or made freely available to the public, raise a paywall that only allows access for paid subscribers, decrease the quality of content as a tradeoff to reduce costs or, in the worst case, shut down their websites if there is no alternative source of revenue” while “many advertisers have had to come up with new ways to reach their target audience, such as investing in native advertising, first-party advertising, or creating sponsored content that looks like editorial content”.

On top of that, the widespread usage of ad blockers makes the challenge of reaching target audiences effectively even harder. Advertisers invest substantial resources in crafting compelling video campaigns designed to engage viewers and drive conversions. However, when ads are blocked, these efforts are useless, resulting in weakend brand visibility, reduced audience engagement and ultimately, lower returns on advertising investments.

Ad Blocking Is on the Rise

The adoption of ad blocking software has witnessed a steady increase in recent years, which reflects the growing dissatisfaction that consumers have with intrusive ads. According to a report by Statista, the global usage of ad blockers surpassed 763 million devices in 2020 and is projected to continue rising in the coming years.

The rise of ad blockers challenges advertisers to explore non-intrusive strategies like native advertising and sponsored content to maintain effectiveness. For publishers, it means finding ways to generate revenue without relying only on traditional ad formats.

The widespread adoption of ad blocking stresses the need for proactive measures to counteract the impact of ad blockers. Adapting to this requires innovation and prioritizing user experience to counteract the impact of ad blockers.

The Sophistication of Modern Video Ad Blockers

As digital advertising techniques have evolved and progressed, so too have the capabilities of ad blocking technologies. Modern ad blockers make use of complex algorithms to detect and intercept ad-serving scripts, which makes traditional mitigation strategies, such as ad frequency capping or ad placement adjustments, ineffective. Additionally, the emergence of privacy-focused browsing tools and browser extensions further complicates the task of delivering targeted advertisements to users.

With concerns about data privacy at an all-time high, many consumers are turning to tools like privacy-focused browsers, ad-blocking browser extensions, and virtual private networks (VPNs) to protect their online activities. These tools block ads but also prioritize user privacy by preventing tracking scripts and cookies from monitoring browsing behavior. As a result, advertisers face a dual challenge: not only do they need to navigate the technical barriers posed by ad blockers, but they must also deal with the increasing demand for privacy-enhancing technologies.

Overcoming Video Ad Blocking

In response to the challenges posed by ad blockers, publishers and advertisers must embrace innovative solutions that prioritize user experience while preserving revenue streams. One such solution is Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI), a technology that dynamically integrates video ads into the content stream at the server level, bypassing client-side ad blockers.

Unlike traditional client-side ad insertion methods, which rely on browser-based rendering and are vulnerable to ad blockers, SSAI operates at the server level by dynamically inputting advertisements into the video stream before delivery. By bypassing client-side ad blockers altogether, it makes the ads indistinguishable from the primary content and immune to ad blocking measures.

Additionally, SSAI enables precise audience targeting and measurement capabilities, allowing advertisers to deliver relevant ads while maintaining control over ad frequency and pacing. As a result, SSAI not only helps advertisers reach their target audiences effectively but also reduces the impact of ad blockers on revenue streams.

In our Overcoming Video Advertising Challenges with SSAI in 2024 white paper we explored all the benefits of SSAI for video advertising. We explored what are the biggest challenges that advertisers face in 2024 and how SSAI presents a solution for them. You can get the white paper for free here.

JWP has pioneered the integration of SSAI technology into our platform, empowering publishers and advertisers to deliver seamless, uninterrupted ad experiences to viewers. By leveraging SSAI, video companies can avoid ad blockers and ensure the uninterrupted delivery of targeted advertisements, maximizing revenue potential and enhancing viewer engagement.

Furthermore, advertisers can enhance the effectiveness of their video ad campaigns by leveraging data-driven targeting strategies and optimizing creative content for maximum impact. By delivering relevant and compelling ads to audiences, advertisers can minimize the risk of ad blocking and drive measurable results across key performance metrics.


The rise of ad blockers poses significant challenges for both publishers and advertisers. However, by understanding the harmful impact of ad blockers, recognizing the increasing sophistication of modern blockers, and embracing innovative solutions like SSAI, businesses can overcome these obstacles.

By leveraging SSAI and adopting data-driven targeting strategies, advertisers can optimize their video ad campaigns for maximum effectiveness, driving measurable results and minimizing the impact of ad blocking on their advertising investments.