Third-Party Cookie Deprecation’s Impact on Video Advertising

Blog 1 min read | May 15, 2024 | Filip Trichkov


A key element of digital advertising is saying goodbye – third-party cookies are on their way out. This shift in the advertising world is presenting advertisers, publishers, broadcasters and content providers with many challenges as they strive to deliver captivating content and effective advertising experiences to go along with it. However, can significant opportunities lie amidst this radical transformation?

To grasp the full scope of this transformation, it’s essential to delve into the fundamentals of third-party cookies, their importance in digital advertising, the reasons behind their demise, and the consequences for data collection and video advertising because of their depreciation. 

What are third-party cookies?

Third-party cookies served as the backbone of digital advertising, allowing advertisers and publishers to gather valuable insights into user behavior. When a user visits a website that contains third-party content, such as an embedded video or social media widget, the third-party cookies associated with those elements are stored in the user’s browser. This enables advertisers to track the user’s activity across multiple websites, building a comprehensive profile of their interests and preferences.

The data collected through third-party cookies is used to deliver targeted ads that are relevant to the user’s interests. For example, if a user frequently visits websites related to travel, they may be served ads for vacation packages or airline deals. This personalized approach to advertising increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion, ultimately driving revenue.

In addition to targeted advertising, third-party cookies also play a crucial role in content personalization. By tracking user behavior and preferences, publishers can tailor the content they deliver to individual users, enhancing the overall user experience. For example, a news website may use third-party cookies to recommend articles or videos based on the user’s browsing history, increasing the likelihood of return visits and user engagement.

Why are third-party cookies important? 

Third-party cookies are significant because they fuel the functioning of online advertising. By tracking user interactions and preferences, advertisers can tailor ad campaigns to specific demographics, interests and browsing habits. This targeted approach enhances ad relevance but also maximizes advertising ROI by reaching audiences most likely to convert.

Furthermore, the insights gathered from third-party cookies enable advertisers to continually refine their strategies, optimizing ad placements and content to better resonate with their target audience. This process not only maximizes advertising ROI but also fosters a more efficient and effective advertising system, benefiting both advertisers and consumers alike.

Why are cookies being depreciated? 

However, despite their instrumental role in digital advertising, third-party cookies have come under intense scrutiny in recent years. Concerns over user privacy, data security, and consent have prompted regulatory bodies and tech giants to take action. Major web browsers, including Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox, have announced plans to phase out support for third-party cookies by Q3 of 2024, signaling a fundamental shift in online advertising practices.

So, why the push for cookie deprecation? The answer lies in a growing awareness of privacy issues and the need for enhanced data protection measures. Users are demanding greater transparency and control over their personal information with more and more concerns over data breaches, tracking consent and online surveillance.  

Concerns regarding data privacy are greatly important among internet users, with a Deloitte cookie benchmark study revealing that 65 percent of individuals are alarmed about the implications of online tracking on their personal data security. Furthermore, a survey found 76.1% of respondents answered the question “Would you stop using a particular service if you found out they were collecting data you weren’t comfortable with?” with a yes.

How do video advertisers overcome cookie depreciation? 

The phasing out of third-party cookies poses significant challenges for advertisers, publishers and content providers alike. Without access to cross-site tracking data, traditional advertising models which rely on behavioral targeting may become less effective. Advertisers risk losing valuable insights into user preferences, while publishers face the prospect of declining ad revenues and diminished user engagement.

However, amid the uncertainty surrounding third-party cookie deprecation, innovative solutions are emerging to address these challenges. One such solution is Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI), a technology that enables ads to be dynamically inserted into video content at the server level, bypassing the need for client-side tracking.

As explored in our white paper Overcoming Video Advertising Challenges with SSAI in 2024, SSAI offers several advantages over traditional ad insertion methods, including improved ad delivery, reduced latency and enhanced scalability. 

By serving ads directly from the server, advertisers can ensure a seamless viewing experience for users while maintaining control over ad placement and targeting. Moreover, SSAI minimizes privacy concerns associated with third-party cookies by anonymizing user data and preserving user privacy.

In addition to SSAI, another approach gaining traction in the industry is contextual advertising. Unlike behavioral targeting, which relies on user data, contextual advertising targets ads based on the content of the webpage or video being viewed. By analyzing keywords, topics, and context cues, advertisers can deliver relevant ads that align with the surrounding content, without the need for invasive tracking mechanisms.

Contextual advertising offers a privacy-friendly alternative to third-party cookies, allowing advertisers to reach audiences based on content relevance rather than user behavior. This approach not only respects user privacy but also ensures ad relevance and engagement by delivering ads that are contextually aligned with the user’s interests and intent. In fact, the contextual advantages in video are 93% boost in ad recall and purchase intent when compared to behavioral targeting, as explored in our article Contextual Targeting’s Arrival is Changing the Advertising Landscape.


The deprecation of third-party cookies represents a major shift in digital advertising. While the transition may pose challenges for advertisers and video-driven businesses, it also presents an opportunity for innovation and adaptation. 

By embracing technologies like SSAI and adopting privacy-conscious advertising strategies such as contextual advertising, companies can navigate this transition successfully.

JWP offers a comprehensive suite of solutions to address the evolving needs of advertisers. With our SSAI technology, advertisers can seamlessly integrate ads directly into video content, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience for users across devices. This approach not only enhances ad delivery efficiency but also bypasses the reliance on third-party cookies, preserving user privacy. 

Additionally, JWP’s contextual advertising offerings provide advertisers with a privacy-conscious alternative to traditional targeting methods. By leveraging contextual cues from the surrounding content, advertisers can deliver relevant ads to their target audience without compromising user data privacy. 

Discover how you can optimize your ad revenue and deliver precisely targeted ads to the ideal audience right when they’re most receptive with JWP.